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Our MISSION is to help turn dreams into reality through a comprehensive Financial Planning lens. We encourage clients to DREAM BIG and have a VISION for their life. By using a unique comprehensive financial planning process, we assist with a customized road map to turn their vision into REALITY.

Nova Capital Team



Ambitiously Altruistic

It’s nice to be important, but it is more important to be nice. We value growth for our firm, our people, and most importantly, our clients. We are ambitious in our pursuit to help and serve others around us. We go out of our way to help others regardless of the outcome.

Optimistically Positive

We maintain a positive attitude regardless of the scenario. We are optimistic of the future, dreamers of what can be created. We believe the future is limitless.

Commitment to Mastery

We believe the pursuit of perfection is better than perfection itself. We seek to learn & have humility in that we will never know all. We are proactive problem solvers.


We are honest and always do what is right. We take ownership in our roles & responsibilities. We are true to our personality, values, & spirit.

Unequivocally Fun

We create a culture where people strive to succeed and have fun along the way. A culture where everyone feels included.